Sunday, November 26, 2006

i'm dreaming of a white christmas

...just like the ones I used to know. Ok, so i've never had a white christmas but after todays display it might just happen.


Anonymous said...

We had our first snow in October but nothing since :(

Anonymous said...

You call THAT snow?? Ha! Our frost in the mornings is more substantial than that!

E. L. Chen said...

I'm sorry. I'm with Katie. From the way you were going on, I thought it would be ankle-deep! It does look nice and white and crunchy, though - good for snowball fights. :)

tim said...

Ok, so it may not be 'snow' by your standards but it's enough to bring Seattle to a standstill. To explain, it's snowed again today and after waiting 10 minutes to get out of my parking garage at work (it usually takes 1 minute at the most) i re-parked my car and walked home witnessing what i can only describe as chaos on the roads, cars going sideways and involuntarily backwards...nuts!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday South Dakota had a snow storm which is coming ouy way :(