Friday, October 20, 2006

more cow bell

Due to popular demand, well ok just rad's, we have more cow bell, and now a short but funny story. I went to the gym the other day to go swimming. At the gym they have lockers available, to use the lockers (ie release the key) you need to put your gym membership card into a spring loaded slot inside the locker, to retrieve you membership card you open the locker and push on your card, the spring mechanism ejects the card. On this particular day the locker room was quite busy, there was someone dressing right beside my locker, which would lead to a rather awkward moment. After swimming, showering etc I had finished with my locker and was retrieving my card, I pressed on it so that it would be released but the manner in which i did it caused my membership card to be launched into the air. What occurred next is what i can only describe as a freak incident. The gentleman dressing next to my locker was in his briefs leaning forward drying his hair, my airborn card glided towards his lower back, landed flush against it and disappeared into the back of his briefs. Instinctively i went to retrieve it but in that split second I realised it inappropriate to reach into another mans underwear without asking and froze. He turned around and looked at me somewhat curiously and i muttered "i think something really bizarre just happened". he reached into his briefs and retrieved my membership card and he thankfully saw the funny side to it all. The End.


hpsauce lovers said...

That story is hilarious, I was actually laughing out loud at my desk reading it. Nice picture, is that cow bell as in Will Ferrell Saturday Night Live? xx

tim said...

yeah, more cow bell as in SNL, there is now a link in the post ;). A question has been raised to me about the card and to put peoples minds at ease, yes i did give it a quick rinse under the tap before returning it to my wallet.

rad said...

ohmy...that was totally how i felt!!! so funny, champagne post! laughed so hard.