Friday, January 12, 2007

no one is safe when it snows

More snow in seattle so janlyk and i built a snowman (photo 1). The cold can make you do wierd things (photo 2).

Sunday, January 07, 2007

New York, New York, a helluva town

So, not much has been going on since i returned from oz. Christmas involved a lot of sleeping followed by beer and pool, followed by dinner at a Chinese restaurant. Went to New York for new years eve which was great, but exhausting. I went to Time Square to watch the ball drop with a million of my closest friends. Was manic, though the NYPD did a brilliant, though at one stage heavy handed, job of controlling the crowd. I was asked after the countdown if it was what i expected, it was, 1 million people counting down and a crystal ball on the distant horizon dropping what looked like 5 meters, pretty spectacular though not something i would do again anytime soon, i was surprised however to find myself stone cold sober as i enter the new year, that did not last long though. (Photos: me in times quare dazzled by all the lights, my friends and i in time square (well a coupla blocks from it) waiting two and a half hours for midnight to come, the aftermath, me eating a bagel in the hotel room with Frances).

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


SNOW DAY! Avid readers would have already seen my comments about getting home from work last night. See here and here for more details. Well today i was getting ready for work when my mate Poe gave me a call telling me that campus was closed due to dangerous driving conditions. Seattle doesn't regularly get falls like this and the whole city pretty much shut down.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

i'm dreaming of a white christmas

...just like the ones I used to know. Ok, so i've never had a white christmas but after todays display it might just happen.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

totally bulletproof dude

I'm learning to snowboard, I bought a season pass to Snoqualmie, they're snow fields about 45min away. Photos below are my gear, me booting up at the car and the video is of my 4th run down the bunny slope, and yes i did make it up the chairlift. It's gonna be sweet going boarding after work, hopefully the conditions won't be bulletproof like they were today.

crane oopsie

I was driving past a construction site in Bellevue on Saturday morning when I noticed a something a little strange, there was a gaping whole in the side of a building next to the construction site. There was a catastrophic crane failure at the construction site causing it to collapse and fall onto boardering buildings leaving one person dead. Story here.