Friday, January 12, 2007

no one is safe when it snows

More snow in seattle so janlyk and i built a snowman (photo 1). The cold can make you do wierd things (photo 2).

Sunday, January 07, 2007

New York, New York, a helluva town

So, not much has been going on since i returned from oz. Christmas involved a lot of sleeping followed by beer and pool, followed by dinner at a Chinese restaurant. Went to New York for new years eve which was great, but exhausting. I went to Time Square to watch the ball drop with a million of my closest friends. Was manic, though the NYPD did a brilliant, though at one stage heavy handed, job of controlling the crowd. I was asked after the countdown if it was what i expected, it was, 1 million people counting down and a crystal ball on the distant horizon dropping what looked like 5 meters, pretty spectacular though not something i would do again anytime soon, i was surprised however to find myself stone cold sober as i enter the new year, that did not last long though. (Photos: me in times quare dazzled by all the lights, my friends and i in time square (well a coupla blocks from it) waiting two and a half hours for midnight to come, the aftermath, me eating a bagel in the hotel room with Frances).